Instagram Clone Html Template

Instagram Clone Html Template

Cover image for How to make instagram clone using HTML, CSS. Fully responsive.

Modern Web

How to make instagram clone using HTML, CSS. Fully responsive.

Hello, Today we'll see how to make instagram UI clone using HTML, css. No library. Our clone looks very similar to instagram and has post element. With status, and recommendation section.

To see demo or you want coding tutorial. You can watch the tutorial below.

Video Tutorial

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So, without wasting more time let's see how to code this.


So to start, we have two files, index.html and style.css. And an image folder contains all icons and post images. You can download image folder from here.

So let's start writing code. Let's make navbar first.


Start with writing basic HTML structure. And link style.css. After that make navbar like this.

                              <nav                class=                "navbar"                >                <div                class=                "nav-wrapper"                >                <img                src=                "img/logo.PNG"                class=                "brand-img"                alt=                ""                >                <input                type=                "text"                class=                "search-box"                placeholder=                "search"                >                <div                class=                "nav-items"                >                <img                src=                "img/home.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/messenger.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/add.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/explore.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/like.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <div                class=                "icon user-profile"                ></div>                </div>                </div>                </nav>                          

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Add styles to it.

                              @import                url(';400;500;700;900&display=swap')                ;                *                {                margin                :                0                ;                padding                :                0                ;                box-sizing                :                border-box                ;                }                *                :focus                {                outline                :                none                ;                }                body                {                width                :                100%                ;                background                :                #fafafa                ;                position                :                relative                ;                font-family                :                'roboto'                ,                sans-serif                ;                }                .navbar                {                position                :                fixed                ;                top                :                0                ;                left                :                0                ;                width                :                100%                ;                height                :                50px                ;                background                :                #fff                ;                border-bottom                :                1px                solid                #dfdfdf                ;                display                :                flex                ;                justify-content                :                center                ;                padding                :                5px                0                ;                }                .nav-wrapper                {                width                :                70%                ;                max-width                :                1000px                ;                height                :                100%                ;                display                :                flex                ;                justify-content                :                space-between                ;                align-items                :                center                ;                }                .brand-img                {                height                :                100%                ;                margin-top                :                5px                ;                }                .search-box                {                position                :                absolute                ;                left                :                50%                ;                transform                :                translateX                (                -50%                );                width                :                200px                ;                height                :                25px                ;                background                :                #fafafa                ;                border                :                1px                solid                #dfdfdf                ;                border-radius                :                2px                ;                color                :                rgba                (                0                ,                0                ,                0                ,                0.5                );                text-align                :                center                ;                text-transform                :                capitalize                ;                }                .search-box                ::placeholder                {                color                :                rgba                (                0                ,                0                ,                0                ,                0.5                );                }                .nav-items                {                height                :                22px                ;                position                :                relative                ;                }                .icon                {                height                :                100%                ;                cursor                :                pointer                ;                margin                :                0                10px                ;                display                :                inline-block                ;                }                .user-profile                {                width                :                22px                ;                border-radius                :                50%                ;                background-image                :                url(img/profile-pic.png)                ;                background-size                :                cover                ;                }                          

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Now let's make status section. For that code HTML structure like this.

                              <section                class=                "main"                >                <div                class=                "wrapper"                >                <div                class=                "left-col"                >                <div                class=                "status-wrapper"                >                <div                class=                "status-card"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                ><img                src=                "img/cover 1.png"                alt=                ""                ></div>                <p                class=                "username"                >user_name_1</p>                </div>                <div                class=                "status-card"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                ><img                src=                "img/cover 2.png"                alt=                ""                ></div>                <p                class=                "username"                >user_name_2</p>                </div>                <div                class=                "status-card"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                ><img                src=                "img/cover 3.png"                alt=                ""                ></div>                <p                class=                "username"                >user_name_3</p>                </div>                // +5 more status card elements.                </div>                </div>                </section>                          

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                              .main                {                width                :                100%                ;                padding                :                40px                0                ;                display                :                flex                ;                justify-content                :                center                ;                margin-top                :                50px                ;                }                .wrapper                {                width                :                70%                ;                max-width                :                1000px                ;                display                :                grid                ;                grid-template-columns                :                60%                40%                ;                grid-gap                :                30px                ;                }                .left-col                {                display                :                flex                ;                flex-direction                :                column                ;                }                .status-wrapper                {                width                :                100%                ;                height                :                120px                ;                background                :                #fff                ;                border                :                1px                solid                #dfdfdf                ;                border-radius                :                2px                ;                padding                :                10px                ;                padding-right                :                0                ;                display                :                flex                ;                align-items                :                center                ;                overflow                :                hidden                ;                overflow-x                :                auto                ;                }                .status-wrapper                ::-webkit-scrollbar                {                display                :                none                ;                }                .status-card                {                flex                :                0                0                auto                ;                width                :                80px                ;                max-width                :                80px                ;                display                :                flex                ;                flex-direction                :                column                ;                align-items                :                center                ;                margin-right                :                15px                ;                }                .profile-pic                {                width                :                70px                ;                height                :                70px                ;                border-radius                :                50%                ;                overflow                :                hidden                ;                padding                :                3px                ;                background                :                linear-gradient                (                45deg                ,                rgb                (                255                ,                230                ,                0                ),                rgb                (                255                ,                0                ,                128                )                80%                );                }                .profile-pic                img                {                width                :                100%                ;                height                :                100%                ;                object-fit                :                cover                ;                border-radius                :                50%                ;                border                :                2px                solid                #fff                ;                }                .username                {                width                :                100%                ;                overflow                :                hidden                ;                text-align                :                center                ;                font-size                :                12px                ;                margin-top                :                5px                ;                color                :                rgba                (                0                ,                0                ,                0                ,                0.5                )                }                          

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Now make posts inside left-col element.

              section class="main">                <div                class=                "wrapper"                >                <div                class=                "left-col"                >                // status wrappers                <div                class=                "post"                >                <div                class=                "info"                >                <div                class=                "user"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                ><img                src=                "img/cover 1.png"                alt=                ""                ></div>                <p                class=                "username"                >modern_web_channel</p>                </div>                <img                src=                "img/option.PNG"                class=                "options"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <img                src=                "img/cover 1.png"                class=                "post-image"                alt=                ""                >                <div                class=                "post-content"                >                <div                class=                "reaction-wrapper"                >                <img                src=                "img/like.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/comment.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/send.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/save.PNG"                class=                "save icon"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <p                class=                "likes"                >1,012 likes</p>                <p                class=                "description"                ><span>username                </span>                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Pariatur tenetur veritatis placeat, molestiae impedit aut provident eum quo natus molestias?</p>                <p                class=                "post-time"                >2 minutes ago</p>                </div>                <div                class=                "comment-wrapper"                >                <img                src=                "img/smile.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <input                type=                "text"                class=                "comment-box"                placeholder=                "Add a comment"                >                <button                class=                "comment-btn"                >post</button>                </div>                </div>                <div                class=                "post"                >                <div                class=                "info"                >                <div                class=                "user"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                ><img                src=                "img/cover 2.png"                alt=                ""                ></div>                <p                class=                "username"                >modern_web_channel</p>                </div>                <img                src=                "img/option.PNG"                class=                "options"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <img                src=                "img/cover 2.png"                class=                "post-image"                alt=                ""                >                <div                class=                "post-content"                >                <div                class=                "reaction-wrapper"                >                <img                src=                "img/like.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/comment.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/send.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <img                src=                "img/save.PNG"                class=                "save icon"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <p                class=                "likes"                >1,012 likes</p>                <p                class=                "description"                ><span>username                </span>                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Pariatur tenetur veritatis placeat, molestiae impedit aut provident eum quo natus molestias?</p>                <p                class=                "post-time"                >2 minutes ago</p>                </div>                <div                class=                "comment-wrapper"                >                <img                src=                "img/smile.PNG"                class=                "icon"                alt=                ""                >                <input                type=                "text"                class=                "comment-box"                placeholder=                "Add a comment"                >                <button                class=                "comment-btn"                >post</button>                </div>                </div>                // +5 more post elements                </div>                </div>                </section>                          

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                              .post                {                width                :                100%                ;                height                :                auto                ;                background                :                #fff                ;                border                :                1px                solid                #dfdfdf                ;                margin-top                :                40px                ;                }                .info                {                width                :                100%                ;                height                :                60px                ;                display                :                flex                ;                justify-content                :                space-between                ;                align-items                :                center                ;                padding                :                0                20px                ;                }                .info                .username                {                width                :                auto                ;                font-weight                :                bold                ;                color                :                #000                ;                font-size                :                14px                ;                margin-left                :                10px                ;                }                .info                .options                {                height                :                10px                ;                cursor                :                pointer                ;                }                .info                .user                {                display                :                flex                ;                align-items                :                center                ;                }                .info                .profile-pic                {                height                :                40px                ;                width                :                40px                ;                padding                :                0                ;                background                :                none                ;                }                .info                .profile-pic                img                {                border                :                none                ;                }                .post-image                {                width                :                100%                ;                height                :                500px                ;                object-fit                :                cover                ;                }                .post-content                {                width                :                100%                ;                padding                :                20px                ;                }                .likes                {                font-weight                :                bold                ;                }                .description                {                margin                :                10px                0                ;                font-size                :                14px                ;                line-height                :                20px                ;                }                .description                span                {                font-weight                :                bold                ;                margin-right                :                10px                ;                }                .post-time                {                color                :                rgba                (                0                ,                0                ,                0                ,                0.5                );                font-size                :                12px                ;                }                .comment-wrapper                {                width                :                100%                ;                height                :                50px                ;                border-radius                :                1px                solid                #dfdfdf                ;                display                :                flex                ;                justify-content                :                space-between                ;                align-items                :                center                ;                }                .comment-wrapper                .icon                {                height                :                30px                ;                }                .comment-box                {                width                :                80%                ;                height                :                100%                ;                border                :                none                ;                outline                :                none                ;                font-size                :                14px                ;                }                .comment-btn                ,                .action-btn                {                width                :                70px                ;                height                :                100%                ;                background                :                none                ;                border                :                none                ;                outline                :                none                ;                text-transform                :                capitalize                ;                font-size                :                16px                ;                color                :                rgb                (                0                ,                162                ,                255                );                opacity                :                0.5                ;                }                .reaction-wrapper                {                width                :                100%                ;                height                :                50px                ;                display                :                flex                ;                margin-top                :                -20px                ;                align-items                :                center                ;                }                .reaction-wrapper                .icon                {                height                :                25px                ;                margin                :                0                ;                margin-right                :                20px                ;                }                .reaction-wrapper                      {                margin-left                :                auto                ;                }                          

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You can see action-btn on the style. Don't worry we'll make that next.



Now last last thing we want to make recommendations.

                              <section                class=                "main"                >                <div                class=                "wrapper"                >                // left col element                <div                class=                "right-col"                >                <div                class=                "profile-card"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                >                <img                src=                "img/profile-pic.png"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <div>                <p                class=                "username"                >modern_web_channel</p>                <p                class=                "sub-text"                >kunaal kumar</p>                </div>                <button                class=                "action-btn"                >switch</button>                </div>                <p                class=                "suggestion-text"                >Suggestions for you</p>                <div                class=                "profile-card"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                >                <img                src=                "img/cover 9.png"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <div>                <p                class=                "username"                >modern_web_channel</p>                <p                class=                "sub-text"                >followed bu user</p>                </div>                <button                class=                "action-btn"                >follow</button>                </div>                <div                class=                "profile-card"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                >                <img                src=                "img/cover 10.png"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <div>                <p                class=                "username"                >modern_web_channel</p>                <p                class=                "sub-text"                >followed bu user</p>                </div>                <button                class=                "action-btn"                >follow</button>                </div>                <div                class=                "profile-card"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                >                <img                src=                "img/cover 11.png"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <div>                <p                class=                "username"                >modern_web_channel</p>                <p                class=                "sub-text"                >followed bu user</p>                </div>                <button                class=                "action-btn"                >follow</button>                </div>                <div                class=                "profile-card"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                >                <img                src=                "img/cover 12.png"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <div>                <p                class=                "username"                >modern_web_channel</p>                <p                class=                "sub-text"                >followed bu user</p>                </div>                <button                class=                "action-btn"                >follow</button>                </div>                <div                class=                "profile-card"                >                <div                class=                "profile-pic"                >                <img                src=                "img/cover 13.png"                alt=                ""                >                </div>                <div>                <p                class=                "username"                >modern_web_channel</p>                <p                class=                "sub-text"                >followed bu user</p>                </div>                <button                class=                "action-btn"                >follow</button>                </div>                </div>                </div>                </section>                          

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                              .right-col                {                padding                :                20px                ;                }                .profile-card                {                width                :                fit-content                ;                display                :                flex                ;                justify-content                :                center                ;                align-items                :                center                ;                margin-bottom                :                10px                ;                }                .profile-card                .profile-pic                {                flex                :                0                0                auto                ;                padding                :                0                ;                background                :                none                ;                width                :                40px                ;                height                :                40px                ;                margin-right                :                10px                ;                }                .profile-card                :first-child                .profile-pic                {                width                :                70px                ;                height                :                70px                ;                }                .profile-card                .profile-pic                img                {                border                :                none                ;                }                .profile-card                .username                {                font-weight                :                500                ;                font-size                :                14px                ;                color                :                #000                ;                }                .sub-text                {                color                :                rgba                (                0                ,                0                ,                0                ,                0.5                );                font-size                :                12px                ;                font-weight                :                500                ;                margin-top                :                5px                ;                }                .action-btn                {                opacity                :                1                ;                font-weight                :                700                ;                font-size                :                12px                ;                }                .suggestion-text                {                font-size                :                14px                ;                color                :                rgba                (                0                ,                0                ,                0                ,                0.5                );                font-weight                :                700                ;                margin                :                20px                0                ;                }                @media                (                max-width                :                1100px                ){                .right-col                ,                .search-box                {                display                :                none                ;                }                .nav-wrapper                ,                .wrapper                {                width                :                90%                ;                }                .wrapper                {                display                :                block                ;                }                }                @media                (                max-width                :                500px                ){                .nav-items                .icon                {                margin                :                0                5px                ;                }                .post-image                {                height                :                300px                ;                }                }                          

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Final Output


So that's it. I hope you understood each and everything. If you have doubt or I missed something let me know in the comments.

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I really appreciate if you can subscribe my youtube channel. I create awesome web contents.

Thanks For reading.

Instagram Clone Html Template



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